Page 26 - Report of the railway accidents investigated in 2021
P. 26

  Annual report 2021
3.3 Summaries of the safety investigations concluded in 2021
Pursuant to Directive 2016/798 the safety investigation body must decide within two months whether to initiate a safety investigation. Preliminary assessment of the occurrence starts with the receipt of the initial notification. During this time, the safety investigation officer processed all cases affecting railway safety reported to him during the year. The proceedings consisted of clarifying the data contained in the written notice following the initial notification and completed by processing the materials collected by the undertaking. Where necessary, the supervisory authority has also been consulted. The Safety Investigation Bureau has received materials about suicide cases, which have been noted.
The two-month period for the preliminary assessment has been sufficient for ESIB to have a complete overview of the case, the risks involved, the work organisation documents, the work culture based on them, and the measures planned and implemented by the undertaking to prevent similar incidents in the future. In its communication with the railway undertaking, the Safety Investigation Bureau expressed its views and asked questions during the answering of which the viewpoints of the partners were consolidated. There was no need to initiate a safety investigation.
3.4 Comments of investigations
Based on safety investigations conducted over the last five years, the following table shows the deaths and injuries.
Total number of deaths and injuries
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
Table 4
Injured in road Injured in rolling vehicle / of them stock / of them seriously seriously
- - 1/1 8/- - - - - - - 1/1 8/-
- - - 2

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