Page 16 - Report of the railway accidents investigated in 2021
P. 16

  Annual report 2021
The Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (CPTRA) is an independent department in the administrative area of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications with a separate budget, structure, and management. The CPTRA performs the function of the railway safety authority and a regulator in Estonia.
All railway infrastructure managers and rail operators and other undertakings that manage or own other railway infrastructure or rolling stock are independent manufacturing enterprises acting as legal persons. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications is a shareholder for three of the infrastructure managers. These are the railway infrastructure manager Estonian Railways Ltd, railway freight transport undertaking AS Operail and the railway passenger transports undertaking AS Eesti Liinirongid (Elron). The Estonian state does not participate in the ownership of the rest of the infrastructure and freight companies. The relationships between the Safety Investigation Bureau and railway undertakings are regulated by legal acts and directives.

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